New Release: Mary Bella PHotoset! We have a new release and a new costume for May! I hope you've seen the teaser image already of the new costume but now it's available in living color. Like last time I'm releasing two sets. The regular one includes all the best images. The "supporter level" includes the same best images, plus a bunch of extras, and several photo manipulation edits. I hope everyone enjoys this one! It was fun to shoot, the costume turned out far better than I expected, and Bella sells the character! What's next?The poll from my last blog post was split in half between those who just wanted me to release what I had right away and those who wanted a few more manipulations added to the set. Some also commented they would buy both if I staggered the release. While I appreciate that offer of support I didn't feel right doing that so I went ahead and did the extra manipulations. There were also some people that prefer videos (I do too!!!) So what about videos? I don't have any shot I can edit at the moment. I was waiting for warmer weather then the pandemic hit. So let's talk about each active actress: Ashley: Unfortunately Ashley was not able to travel in April like she wanted so we could not shoot. We'll see what happens as things open up. We don't have anything specific scheduled right now but she's going to reach out when she has plans. Michaela: We had filming scheduled and a flight booked in early June but complications from the pandemic and life in general made things difficult so we had to indefinitely postpone that. I now have a credit in her name only on a major airline so you can expect I'll try to find a new time! Ha! I think Michaela was really excited about her physical "gains" and was enthusiastic to share them in costume and character but the gym shutdowns and stresses of the pandemic hit hard. I know she'll bounce back - she's always super. Bella: We had plans to film again taking precautions but then a state wide "stay at home unless essential" order came down from the Governor the Friday before the weekend we were going to shoot. We did the right thing and respected the order. We spoke early this week and plan to give it two weeks to see how things go now that things are opening back up before we open back up our "circles." I'm also keeping an eye out for new heroines. PSW Payment Processor is now "Square" I have migrated away from Paypal to Square as PSW's payment processor. This has made the checkout process much shorter with less pop ups and redirects. Part of why the last photo set took so long was that my free time was burned up struggling with a Paypal bug that was causing a lot of people to enter all their info only for the order not to be processed. I was done with being on hold with the two parties involved in a back and forth so here we are. If you have any problems please let me know!
Thanks to you! Your support makes all this possible!
AuthorFan by Day. Producer By Night - RandomFX Archives
February 2025
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