First off - thank-you for all the feedback in the poll on the last post. I'm still doing a tally and taking into consideration the notes. More importantly I wanted to let you know about Daubsters new comic: Incubus I think a lot of Daubster, PSW, and heroine and supervillain story fans are going to like this one! Wow. Daubster's SuperIanna Incubus Comic
Daubster brings you a new live action comic starring Anna and Faith. Anna finds a possessed Jennifer in a park while on patrol. Bringing the victim back to her apartment SuperAnna lets Jenny sleep off her ordeal. However, this might be just the opportunity the spirit needs to get into Anna's dreams and conduct a power transfer. Jenny now out in the open with her pure evil and new powers confronts Anna while making quick work of fragile humans. I know many will like this story line, the action, actors, and Daubsters uniquely Scandinavian freedom and opportunity to be suggestive. (Zip file with 62 comic pages and 24 full size bonus images. 50.3MB)
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Editing I'm working on the special effects for a Bella video release and I'm very much looking forward to getting it released to you all. It's going to be a fun one! It takes the parts of Mindy Marvel Lost Souls I really liked and many commented they appreciated but is more in line with our normal video length. Opportunities What if you had an opportunity to film with Michaela, Bella, and Mersadees all at the same time for a brief afternoon. How would you cast it? Michaela maxim contest I also wanted to pass along that Michaela entered herself into the MAXIM cover contest this year. While I would strongly discourage you from paying to vote you can vote for "free" once per day if you'd like. Even with the free vote it looks for a Facebook login so I'd encourage you to use a burner Facebook account. Maxim Cover Girl Contest
While I'm working on a video edit and getting ready to do some filming by early June Daubster is bringing us great superhero content and updates. If you've not seen Daubster's Cold War it is a fantastic example of acting, modeling, and editing. A few fans also reached out hoping for extra images from that photo story shoot. Daubster got permission from Emma and has packed 66 still images for those super fans.
AuthorFan by Day. Producer By Night - RandomFX Archives
February 2025
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