Randi's Revenge
In Randi?s introductory episode, we see her going on a rampage. Her recently obtained powers, short fuse, and evil nature make for an interesting short as an inconsiderate individual is shown the error of his ways by Randi while she uses laser vision, flight, super strength, and invulnerability to trash him and his car. (posted 10/31/07; 5:50 min; 90MB)
Project: New Orders
Randi springs back to life after being incapacitated by Shay. Receiving new orders, Randi seeks to destroy Shay with her powers which leads to a catfight of bionic proportions! SFX include super-strength, enhanced hearing, struggles, and more clues about the group behind these woman?s abilities round out this exciting video. (posting 2/11/08; 5:41 min; 43MB)