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ProjectSuperWoman is a creative video co-op, specializing in superheroine videos, movies, comics, and photosets featuring special effects of our favorite superheroine and "girl power" characters in costume.
Our goal at Project: Superwoman is to provide positive high-quality video content of superwomen and heroines in action to help fulfill the void of that here on the Internet. We are always open to suggestions and LOVE feedback, so please contact us if you have any feedback. We are always working to improve our production values, costumes, stories, stunts, fights, lifts, props, destruction, flying vfx, etc.
Our goal at Project: Superwoman is to provide positive high-quality video content of superwomen and heroines in action to help fulfill the void of that here on the Internet. We are always open to suggestions and LOVE feedback, so please contact us if you have any feedback. We are always working to improve our production values, costumes, stories, stunts, fights, lifts, props, destruction, flying vfx, etc.