Thank-You! With your Donation we'll do super things!

Specific things I want to funding with your help:
I can't make promises but contact me if you have something you'd like to see.
- Props
- Junk Cars
- Gym Weights
- New Green Screen
- Flying Rig
- Stunt Things (not giving it away)
- Actors
- More thugs and villains
- More people to directly rescue
- Costumes
- Mindy Marvel 2.0
- Original Characters
- Flying Harness and Rigging
- Locations
- A Bank
- A Full Gym
- A Villains Mansion
- Rooftops
- Factory
- Less glamorous support
- I need a small storage space soon to keep domestic life happy
- I've had to upgrade my editing software (love the new features) but now I'm stuck with an annual fee.
- I need a small storage space soon to keep domestic life happy
I can't make promises but contact me if you have something you'd like to see.